You might be bored of hearing about those four letters, so we'll try and keep this short and sweet.
The first thing you need to know is that we have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Hopefully you will have noticed a brief message asking for consent the last time you logged into your dashboard.
How the changes affect your product experience
Removal of all IP Processing - We will no longer be using or storing the IP addresses of your website visitors. We're moving to a cookie based system. The cookies will remain on your browser for 365 days. You will need to update your website's cookies and privacy policies accordingly.

Because no one can be identified/traced back to their IP, the way you block spammers has also changed.
The Right to be Forgotten
Any data removal request will be processed within 1 business day and will be handled by our head of engineering. We will confirm, in writing, once the data has been successfully removed. For all data removal requests please contact us via and we'll be happy to help.
GDPR Consent Mechanisms
A major component of GDPR is the requirement that to process any EU members PII data you must gain "freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her". We are building a fully customisable consent mechanism that will auto display and require consent from all EU web visitors, should they request or schedule a callback with you. Here's a preview of how it will look. We will provide a metric so you can review possible drop-off rates between requesting the call and consenting to GDPR. These measures will allow you to tailor your message and allow us to monitor changes and adjust our strategy as these stats manifest themselves. For our customers who use our Lead Connect feature it will be your responsibility to ensure you have consent to process any PII data. You may notice small changes to our demo and trial signup area to reflect changes we have made to meet this requirement.
This is now live on your dashboard, instructions for enabling and editing can be reviewed here.
DPA - Data Processing Agreement
If you require a Data Processing Agreement please reply to this message or email Our DPO (Data Protection Officer) is Scott and he is happy to have a call with anyone who would like to discuss these points. Book a 15 minute call, here.